
Advisory Committee Advances Road Projects to RIDE IV Commission

May 2, 2023
Posted by
James Toy

A new batch of road improvement projects just passed the first hurdle to completion in Horry County.

The 18-member advisory committee for the Road Improvement and Development Effort (RIDE) IV finalized their list of recommended projects in a vote April 20. That list will now be considered by the six-member RIDE IV Commission beginning this summer.

The RIDE program was created about 20 years ago in a joint effort by local and state leaders to raise funds for infrastructure projects through a local capital options sales tax – or penny tax – intended to supplement state and federal dollars. The tax and list of road development projects are presented as a ballot referendum for Horry County voters every seven years.

Projects completed through previous RIDE programs include the construction of the Aynor Overpass, the Backgate Interchange, widening of portions of S.C. Highway 707 and Glenn’s Bay Road, and the paving and widening of International Drive. Additionally, each RIDE program has included resurfacing of existing roads and paving of several miles of dirt roads.

Once finalized, The RIDE IV Commission will present their list of projects to Horry County Council. Early next year, the council will vote on the ballot question, which will include the list of projects. Then in the November 2024 general election, voters will be asked to approve the tax.

blue arrows pointing to the right

If the RIDE IV referendum is approved by voters, funds for the improvement projects will be collected over a 7-year period beginning May 1, 2025 through the one-cent capital projects sales tax on all retail sales, accommodations and prepared food or beverages. Unprepared foods are exempt from the sales tax. While residents vote to approve the sales tax, tourists visiting the Grand Strand generate 60 percent of the revenue.

For additional information, contact James Toy, public policy manager for Partnership Grand Strand, by emailing


RIDE 4 Advisory Committee Recommended Projects
Project Description Estimated Project Costs
(In Millions, 2030)
Completion of underfunded RIDE 3 projects
Pave 100 Miles of Dirt Roads $100
Resurface 100 Miles of Existing Roadway $35
Lake Busbee Bypass: New bridge and bypass across river between U.S. 701 and S.C. 544 (immediately south of Conway and Lake Busbee). Environmental studies and mitigation. $60
S.C. 90 widening: to four lanes with turn lanes at intersections (between U.S. 501 Business and International Drive) $205
U.S. Hwy. 17 in Windy Hill: Widening the road to accommodate dual left turn at intersections (46th Ave. S. to Ocean Creek) $21
U.S. 501 at S.C. 319: Build acceleration lane $15
U.S. 17 Bypass/Grissom Parkway interchange improvements: build cloverleaf ramp (from Grissom Parkway SB to U.S. 17 Bypass NB) $46
River Oaks Drive widening to four lanes with turn lanes at intersections and a multipurpose path (entire length) $142
S.C. 90 widening: to four lanes with turn lanes at intersections (between Robert Edge Parkway and U.S. 17 intersection; includes S.C. 90/U.S. 17/ S.C. 9 interchange improvements) $115
Big Block Road.idening: Widen to five lanes (S.C. Hwy. 544 to S.C. Hwy. 707) $38
38th Ave. N. widening between Robert Grissom Parkway and Kings Highway; include multimodal facilities $20
Seaboard Street: between U.S. 501 and Mr. Joe White Avenue. Include multimodal facilities between the intersections of Mr. Joe White Avenue to Oak Forest Ln. $30
SELL (Southern Evacuation Lifeline) - environmental mitigation $60
Total Estimated Costs (2030): $887
About Partnership Grand Strand
Partnership Grand Strand is a 501c3 foundation launched in 2022 by the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce to fund a five-year economic and community development initiative. Through investments from local businesses and partnerships with community organizations, the foundation leads and supports efforts related to four pillars of success: prosperity, talent, place and infrastructure. Through their focused endeavors, Partnership Grand Strand works to accelerate economic prosperity and enhance quality of life across Horry and Georgetown counties. 
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