
How To Network

October 18, 2024
Posted by
PGS Staff

Once the importance of networking is understood, the next question might be: How does one actually network? What are the best practices? Are there specific rules to follow? Here are some practical guidelines from Netwerk Movement to help get started.

Know Your Value

It’s crucial for individuals to recognize their own value—they have something unique to offer others. Maintaining a positive mindset while connecting with people helps build stronger relationships. Networking is a two-way street: just as they bring something to the table, others have value to offer as well.

Remember Names and Details

For some, remembering names and details comes naturally; for others, it can be more challenging. However, recalling someone's name and small bits of information shows genuine care about the relationship. If remembering names is difficult, using the notes feature on a phone or keeping a notebook handy to jot down key details can go a long way in strengthening connections.

Use Positive Body Language

Body language communicates just as much as words, so it’s important to be mindful of how one presents themselves. Making eye contact, smiling, standing or sitting up straight, and respecting others’ personal space are key. Avoid crossing arms or looking disinterested, as these small non-verbal cues can greatly influence the impression others have.

Know Your Brand and Story

One should be ready to share their story. Whether it’s a personal journey or the story behind a business, knowing what they stand for and being able to articulate it is essential. Being prepared when asked about their background or brand ensures confidence and credibility.

Do Your Research and Follow Up

If the attendees of the event are known in advance, doing some research beforehand can help find common talking points. After meeting people, it’s important to follow up, whether through an email, phone call, or social media. This helps nurture and solidify the connections made.

Things To Avoid

  • Don’t attend without a plan: Set goals for the event, review contacts, and prioritize who should be met.
  • Avoid controversial topics: Steer clear of sensitive subjects like politics and religion to prevent unnecessary conflict.
  • Don’t make networking all about personal gain: Networking is about creating mutual value, not just benefiting oneself. Relationships built solely on self-interest are unlikely to last.
  • Be mindful of personal presentation: Dressing appropriately and paying attention to social behavior are essential. First impressions matter.
  • Pay attention to cues: Both verbal and non-verbal signals can guide conversations. Being aware of them is crucial.
  • Don’t approach with a negative mindset: Positivity in networking makes a significant difference in how others respond.


Now that the reasons for networking and how to start are clear, find an opportunity to apply these tips and to begin growing a network is highly recommended.

About Partnership Grand Strand
Partnership Grand Strand is a 501c3 foundation launched in 2022 by the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce to fund a five-year economic and community development initiative. Through investments from local businesses and partnerships with community organizations, the foundation leads and supports efforts related to four pillars of success: prosperity, talent, place and infrastructure. Through their focused endeavors, Partnership Grand Strand works to accelerate economic prosperity and enhance quality of life across Horry and Georgetown counties. 
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