These adorably tiny “bubble cars” that were hugely popular in the 1950’s in Europe, are making a huge come-back.
Microcars were 1st developed in the post WWII era when Europe’s car manufacturers were struggling to rebound. The have no back seat, often ran on motorcycle engines and typically hit a max of 50 MPH. Some are three wheels, others four. Some have front wheel drive, others the reverse. None of these cars were much bigger than a bicycle. They were cost effective to manufacture and could easily navigate the tiny streets of many European cities.
As the economy rebounded, these cars were replaced with the traditional vehicles we see on the streets today, but history appears to be ready to repeat itself.
These “bubble cars” are making a huge comeback as many EV companies have begun manufacturing electric versions. Car enthusiasts are flocking to this efficient throw back and these highly sought after vehicles are reaching “cult-like” popularity across Europe.
Rumor has it that these vehicles are slated to start to hit the metropolitan markets in the US in the next 6 – 12 months. EV manufacturers have found a way to take the “fun-size” concept to an extreme.
Check out the gallery of microcar models.